Power Up Category: Special event Saturdays and Sundays during term time, daily during school holidays Take gaming to the next level with Power Up at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester. Book now
Experitots Category: Activity Various dates Experitots is a regular event specially designed for children aged 0–4. During these playful sessions, toddlers and their adults are encouraged to play, explore and experiment together. Book now
Early Years Activities Category: Free activity Various dates and times From story time and imaginative play to Makaton-friendly adventures and curious moments, there's lots to inspire and entertain little learners on a visit to the Science and Industry Museum.
Early years construction packs Category: Free activity Subject to availability Especially for Baby Builders and Mini Engineers, our Construction Packs contain everything you need to ‘work’ around the museum.
Spotlight Talks Category: Free talk Dates and times vary Join our Highlights volunteers for a free talk about the Science and Industry Museum.