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Manchester's Rolls-Royce

Find out more about Manchester's Rolls-Royce as part of our Revolution Manchester gallery.

Get up close to an important part of Manchester's industrial heritage, one of the first Rolls-Royce motorcars, one of only three remaining cars of this type.

The Rolls-Royce motor company started life in Manchester. It is the result of a remarkable partnership between Henry Royce, an expert engineer, and Charles Rolls, a motorcar pioneer.

Rolls and Royce were committed to experimentation and testing. Together, they led the way in early motor technology, creating motorcars that were powerful, quiet and more reliable than their competitors.

This particular Rolls-Royce was Henry Royce's own vehicle, and it is believed he used it to carry out his duties as a Captain in the Motor Volunteer Corps, before he sold it to an automobile enthusiast, Paris Singer, in 1906.

It is displayed as part of a collection of objects and stories that reveal some of the influential people that got Manchester moving and how our city has shaped the future of modern-day travel.