Experitots Category: Activity Various dates Experitots is a regular event specially designed for children aged 0–4. During these playful sessions, toddlers and their adults are encouraged to play, explore and experiment together. Book now
Early Years Activities Category: Free activity Various dates and times From story time and imaginative play to Makaton-friendly adventures and curious moments, there's lots to inspire and entertain little learners on a visit to the Science and Industry Museum.
Early years construction packs Category: Free activity Subject to availability Especially for Baby Builders and Mini Engineers, our Construction Packs contain everything you need to ‘work’ around the museum.
Early Years Story Time Category: Free activity Saturdays and Sundays (term time only) Join a quest to return a bear left at Liverpool Road Station to its home in this brand-new sensory story time.
Spotlight Talks Category: Free talk Dates and times vary Join our Highlights volunteers for a free talk about the Science and Industry Museum.