Manchester, cotton and transatlantic slavery (opening 2027) Category: Free exhibition Opening in 2027 A landmark free exhibition and public engagement project that will reveal how transatlantic slavery shaped Manchester's growth.
Meet Baby Category: Free demonstration Dates and times vary Watch volunteers run our replica of the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine, nicknamed 'Baby', and see how far computing has come since 1948.
Manchester's Rolls-Royce Category: Free permanent display Open daily Find out more about Manchester's Rolls-Royce as part of our Revolution Manchester gallery.
Planting Stories Category: Free permanent display Open daily Uncover stories of our historic site while exploring our beautiful garden, featuring plants, trees and flowers that have been carefully selected to represent the goods that would have once been transported here on the railway.
Textiles demonstration Category: Free demonstration Daily shows (when possible) Go back in time to the working mills of 150 years ago, experience the thundering sounds of the machinery and find out what life was like for thousands of mill workers.